Windows "You need to format your Tonie-SDCard" / "Sie müssen den Datenträger in Laufwerk E: formatieren"

Hi there,

I used TeddyBench successful with the box of my kid. Now i wanted to do it again for a friend of my kid and do not have success, using the same pc and reader.

Whenever i put the SD-Card into the reader it says in german “Sie müssen den Datenträger in Laufwerk E: formatieren, bevor sie ihn verwenden können.” which should be in english more or less “you need to format drive E: before you can use it”. I do abort the dialoge with “Cancel”.

Same dialogue pops up if i click “File” → “Open Directory” in TeddyBench.

I did a second try where i putted the sdcard back in the tonie, ensured the box played tonies and than waited more than 10 minutes to make sure the box shutted down properly before i removed the sdcard again.

I red the README of TeddyBench to make sure I didnt miss any prerequisites or FAQ. I had a look at the ultimate noob guide, but didnt find any common reason.

Anyone please give me a hint.

Thank you.


From normal usage point of view: What would be the downside of doing so? You could copy the content of the first sd card to the newly formatted one and if there are other tonies, they will be downloaded again?

Technical view: have you tried another pc/device? Or Linux? Even if your pc works fine with your sd card.

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hi henryk,

thank you for your input!

I understand you just to try a new sdcard, format it and try this one?

To the technical view:
First I tried the pc of my kid with windows with externals sd-reader. than i tried my lenovo laptop with internal reader. also windows. the linux-idea is good worth to try also!

is there a sd-card vendor, model and size which is highly used here?


I bought this one some weeks ago:

SanDisk Ultra Android microSDXC…

That worked. The hardest thing was formatting this sd card with fat32 as the windows built in tool does not support that for 128gb. But there are other tools available —> Google :wink:

Besides this one… In the wiki is a list of already tested cards with the cc3200 variant of the box. —> microSD compatibility | Toniebox Hacking

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Thank you for the Amazon-Link and your hint, that it is not possible to format fat32 with windows native tool at 128gb.
(card ordered, will use a different tool.)