Writing the ID of a creative tonie to a custom nfc tag


I have a question regarding the use of custom NFC tags with the Toniebox. I have created my own story and uploaded it to my TonieCloud. The content has already been successfully transferred to a Creative-Tonie.

Now, I would like to distribute this content using multiple custom NFC tags and integrate them into self-printed figurines. My goal is to create many NFC tags with the same ID so that they behave like the already configured Creative-Tonie.

Could you explain if and how this would be technically possible? Is there a way to make the Toniebox recognize these custom tags as my existing Creative-Tonie?

Thank you in advance for your support!

Greetings from Austria.

In short: you can’t.
There are no SLIX-L with changeable UID.

I’m not shure, what you are trying to do, but you can take the chip out of the crativ tony and put it in a custom made figur.

But you can never have different tags with the same ID.