Difference between content and library

Foolish noob question, but what is the difference between content and library in the web interface.

The library holds all the custom files I uploaded, but what is the content tab? Is it more like a file browse? I see that it also shows original Tonies that I put on the Box. But I cannot play their audio. I can only see the directory and the .json file in the folder. And the file is very small. It ai hardly an audio file. So, what does the content tab do? Is ist just for monitoring the content of your teddycloud container?

The content folder is - if you have only one box connected - quite similar to the content of the boxˋ sdcard. Kind of teddycloud representation of your toniebox.
It’s showing the tag ids as foldername and have a json in each folder containing the properties for the actual content like nocloud flag, live flag, link to the source file, dumped auth for downloading the source from boxine. If cache to library is disabled, it also contains the taf file.

The library is a place to store all audiofiles in a structure as you like. Only the by/audioId is a default for the new taf files of original tonies (if cache to library is enabled). The library is the library where you find the taf files if you edit a tag/tonie.

Ok, this was super helpfull. Thank you. I did not realize that the audio for original tonies can also be stored in teddycloud. That is super usefull as a backup.