I got the RFID Tags from the RFIDfriend, and they work great. Now I would like to make some FIMO / Polymere Clay Figurines.
The easiest solution is of course to put the figure on a plate with the RFID Tag. But it would look nicer, if the figure would not have to be glued on a plate. Now, my questions:
Has sombebody tried this before?
Does the tag survive the baking in the oven inside the FIMO? (110° C, 30 min)
how much can i roll and bend the tag, in order to still work fine?
I made a second one and the Tag survived the oven at 110° as well.
Lets see how long the Figur survives my son playing with it ;-). its probably not the best idea to make a Fimo Figur with arms like that. It it would probably help to put a strong wire in the arms and legs.
Edit on the 29.01.2025: My 1.5 Year old son “played” a lot with the figur. the head and both hands came off over the time, but I clued them on with a 2 components clue and now the figure holds on very well since about half a year. For future fimo figures I would ad a small nail or peace of wire as a concuntion between different body parts.
To make something with more natural material, I made some tags with wood plates. I glued 5 together and put the tag and the magnet in between. The pictures are made with a “cnc” laser
have you rolled up the tags, squeezed them together so that they have room next to the figures? And they are still working?!
where is the tag in the sheep or on the small wooden puppet?
I did bend them in some figures, which is no problem, but you can not roll them and place it vertically.
In the sheep, the tag is in the body. in the the wood figure i sawed a part of, glued the tag flat in and glued it back together. The figure is just big enough. i only had to cut the very outer part of the Tag.
I like your idea as I have a lot of Duplo Figures as well…
How were you able to open the sheep? Is it possible to open and close it without damage or did you drill or broke a part somewhere? Thx
My “Duplo” sheep can be open and closed withoud damge, it is made of 2 halfes. My Sheep is not original Duplo, so ihm not shure it works on every Duplo animal. But all my animals can be opend and closed without any problem. They are pinned dogether without glue.