Yes, it is a ESP32 box then.
I will try my best, since I don’t have an ESP-box myself (yet). Maybe my sister has one but it will take some time
My Uart to USB device has arrived and i have now opened my Box.
I did not try to get the certificates yet, but i took some Pictures, because someone was looking to update the documentation with non modified pictures.
Iam not sure where i have read this, but i post them here in hopes that the person who was looking for this finds this post.
I could also take some more if its needed.
Thank you for sharing. Those pictures are great for that purpose
Just to make sure i have the correct Hardware. This Device should work, right? Because the Browser did not find any compatible devices. Chrome and Edge had the same problem.
I will try again later and i will also try to make some photos for the documentation if i remember. The things I did so far (maybe I did something wrong):
- Bridged the jumper J100
- clamped down the debug port with this thing ( AZDelivery 4 Pin Programmer I2C Modul Test Werkzeug PCB Klemme 1 * 4P Gold-beschichtete Pogo Pins : Gewerbe, Industrie & Wissenschaft)
- wired it to the usb converter, while crossing RxD and TxD
- plugged in the usb to my PC
- plugged in the boxes Battery to the board
The LED of the Board stayed off, so it seems to me, that the jumper part worked. Is there somethin else obviously wrong?
I did some fiddling around but had no luck.
I did try to change RxD and TxD, i tried getting it to show up in VSCodes Serial Monitor, but it doesnt even show up in the Ports listing.
Did I do something wrong or did i maybe buy the wrong USB Adapter?
If the USB-UART doesn’t show up it is either a driver problem (unlikely, as they most run out of the box) or the device is defective.
You may try to connect the USB-UART first, then power your box or vice versa.
You may also try arduino to check it with the serial monoitor
It really was a drive issue. Windows 11 does not seem to work out of the box with this chip.
The Universal Driver from this page did help: CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers - Silicon Labs (
It didnt work first try. But after turning it off and on again multiple times it started reading the flash
i currently try the same, which baud-rate did you use to see a readable promt at the serial monitor?
I did not get a readable Output there. For me it was enough, that the Port showed up and i could then try it in the Browser.
But i did need multiple attempts to write back the modified bin.
I just get IT working If i use Python Tool instead of the Website and bridge the j100 only short in boot.
after some new tests - it worked at the website if i use google chrome.
But flashing back (als mentioned at the beginners guide here) was only possible by the phython-tool.
I just went trough the description, using same UART and clamp tools from above and tried the python script, the browser flashing tool doesn’t work for me. J100 bridged successfully.
I ended up with errors, mostly that serial communication stopped due to bad connection e.g. noise
Steps I have checked:
- Drivers are ok
- Switched cables provided by UART USB and the clamp
- Tried batterie power and power support
- J103 config from left to right Tx Rx GND
- tried different USB ports
- tried desktop pc (win11) and laptop (win10): both with same or equal error
- baud rate reduced to 115200 and 9600 without success, same errors
Any hints?
I have checked the documents from esptool on error but not really helpful, to generic answers.
On the pictures from Kuchen0815 the UART USB tool has no 3.3V connected (same as mine) is this ok?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hey, Just a quick replay. Yes, I was able to access the esp and successfully running the Teddycloud. My mistake was
A) driver not sufficient with ttl to usb device
B) Mixed TX and Rx on TTL to USB device.
Make sure you have Teddycloud installed and running, than dump CA from their. There is a great video from Mydealz on YouTube explaining in details how to. Check it and I guess you will manage it too.
Hi , thanks for the quick reply.
the video is the reason, why i am going down this Journey.
i getting an output in Putty with
2Build:Mar 27 2021
3rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0x0 (DOWNLOAD(USB/UART0))
4waiting for download
so the TX RX issue can be ruled out.
may be a driver issue , i have two separate TTL to USB adapter , one FT232RL and one CP2102. with both no luck so far.
2x windows machienes, 1x Macmini.
the pogoPin has the right size as well.
i may try older drivers.
have you changed any setting in the devicemanager ?
No idea about Windows, but on a Mac you should lower the default baud rate to 115200
. Btw this is now possible to change via web interface in the latest develop branch.
Besides that, Micro-USB UARts seem to work more reliable than USB-C.
thx for helping Marco,
now i am on the develop brach with my docker container. still no luck.
my UART adapter has USB-A and the others mini-USB. both working well.
i try esptool directly , but i could not even read the ESP Chip version, just getting transfer errors.
but the pogoPins sits very well. and with putty i get output.
It is brandnew Box btw. but the firmware version are the same, as in the documentation.
Frankly, I am not an expert and have low to no knowledge about programming. Hope I do not guide you into wrong direction.
Try this:
- make sure your battery is fully powered if you are not connected via Plug
- if you shortcut J100 I found out best way is to quickly do this step by step:
- unplug from power
- Shortcut J100
- Start Flashing Tool from Teddycloud Web UI
- Immediately plug power e.g via battery
- Wait until Web UI shows it has found esp32 and is starting download Certs
- Remove the J100 shortcut device… This is something I found is working best for me. If I left the shortcut attached sometimes the esp32 got disconnected and I was unable to read the flash.
- Run the process and follow the step by step guide from web ui. You need to cut power off once in the process. Start again with 2. When power is off.
Hope this helps you.
And yes baud rate should be around 115200 or less.
By the way: we tested the UART USB device by connecting RX and TX on the USB device to see if it is receiving signals which indicates device is ok and can transfer and receive signals on your computer. Try this as well.