I’m new in using the TeddyCloud. Till now I haven’t bougth any RFID-Tags and fiddle around with existing original tonies, giving them a custom content.
My first try was a single sond, wich I converted just by dropping it into the integrated Adio-Encoder. It needs some time but it works. So far so good…
Then I took the hole “Harry Potter 1” Audio Book. It’s more then 9 h long and more then 500 MB big but only 67 MP3-files. I waited and waited, but I get only the first chapters (100 min).
My TeddyCloud runs in Docker on a Raspberry pi 400 with 4 MB RAM an more than 7 GB free space on the SD-Card.
Is it just a time-Problem, that the process breaks down after a certain piriod of time?
What can I do? Is there an external converter, which I can run on my much better Windows-PC?
And I think for windows you can use Teddybench, could have sworn it can endor mp3s.
The rpi is probably not suited for the task. I run “ancient” enterprise grade hardware, I allocated 4 cores à 2 threads with 16GB RAM and even that takes some time for smaller conversions. Given the CPU is older (Xeon 2600 V4 series), the better option is always to use your main machine, assuming it got more power than your machine running docker. For me it’s a 5800X, so plenty of power.
I assume it’s simply to much for your browser. The mp3 will be decoded first to pcm files in your browser. This means their size increases heavily. I am quite sure this fails.
What is the error message? What does the button state just befor it crashes? Uploading or processing?
You can open browsers dev mode and have a look into the console.
Or user docker logs if at all something come to teddycloud backend…
At first it’s made to put custom content onto a SD-card witch is used in a toniebox. To use the integrated encoder together with the TeddyCloud do it that way:
Create an empty folder on your HDD
Start TeddyBench and go to “File > Open Directory” in the menue and select the folder you just create
Klick on the “Add…”-button on the righthand side
Select all the audio-files you want to have in your new TAF-file
Click on “no” when the first question pops up and fill random numbers in the next one until it gets green
Now you have the last chance to sort your files in the desired order. Klick “Encode” when its done
Now you have time for a cup of tea while all your file(s) will be converted. Did I say “cup”?.. I mean “pot”!
After this cup… ehm pot… of tea you will find a new folder in the folder you created in step 1. It is named like the random number you entered in step 5. In this folder is a new file, with a random 6 digits hexadecimal number as its name an without an extention.
This is the TAF-File you need for the TeddyCloud’s libary. Just rename it in a talking name and add the extention .taf. Then copy it to the proper folder and you can use it as a content for any tonie you want.
Don’t be confused about the log window. As long as there is nothing to do, it will allways show “rescanning… done” on and on.
I hope that will help other users.
With my i7-11700 CPU based windows machine I encoded more then 500 MB in just a few minutes.