Setting up teddyCloud

First of all, hello from me,

I’ve been setting up a working version of Teddycloud for 4 days now. I can not do it. I have a Proxmox Server Local on which I have installed Debian & Ubuntu every time without success. I get the cloud started on port 80 and 443, everything is OK as far as I can read it from my PC via Chrome. I have apparently also had the certs created (I hope so) but when I create a patch image, all systems no longer do anything. Help me, I have 2 boxes that I would like to use. Could anyone please help me. I would also give you a coffee as a reward. If there is someone who can write me instructions for Proxmox or even write an install file, I would give them coffee++++.

Did you use the gui of teddycloud administration to read the firmware and then patch the firmware and write it back to the toniebox?

Some days ago I did that and it worked quite well. But I am using the docker setup on an raspi 4. all in all it took me about 2-3h to set it up starting from a fresh set up raspi, just following the wiki guideline here

Well, I’ve come a little further today. The box is now connected to the Teddy Cloud. The box has also just loaded about 14 new Tonies and written them to the cloud, which is working perfectly so far. Now I have the problem that I would like to make my own Tonies. So I already have the RF ID chips here. If I put a new Tonie on it, the problem is that it shows the ID but I can’t link any content. even if I want to link it with another piece of content as a test. My sister says I read her tonies and put them in the cloud and I would like to have my own tonie replace the ID of an original and keep it for this one. How should I proceed?


TeddyCloud saves all UIDs and Auths of the tags into its content json when you put the tag onto the box.
TeddyCloud will cache all new content in its library for later reuse. You can also create new TAFs with the webinterface. Select the library as target!

If you copy over the cloud_ruid / cloud_auth into another tag’s content id and set cloud_override to true, you may reroute the custom tag to an original tag for the cloud.
You can also just relink the content of the tag to a different content file. Either by placing the TAF (Tonie Audio File) into the tags folder (500304E0) or editing the content json (500304E0.json) and replace the “source” with a file you like (This can be done within the experimental /web interface under /web/tonies in a convenient way)
Beware that placing a TAF into the content folder overrides the “source” parameter in most cases.

Please be sure you update to v0.4.3, as there are some bugfixes regarding the caching of content files.

I can do an update? How can you enter images and text into the Teddycloud for your own tags? That would certainly be helpful on the surface.

You can add them in the tonies.custom.json . But currently not over the gui, you have to edit the json with an editor. The images must be urls to a image.

There is a feature request, which requests such implementation that you can do this through the gui: Assign image to custom tag like assigning Tonie model · Issue #156 · toniebox-reverse-engineering/teddycloud · GitHub

And for the update…

Connect to your server, go into the teddycloud/docker folder, execute sudo docker compose pull and then sudo docker compose up -d

I’ve already found it.

Thank you in advance for your support. The update worked after two attempts.

This is a custom tonie. Unchanged.

369519776 is the audio id,

af9e… is the hash.

Add in the custom json the following entry:

{"no": "0", "model": "123456", "audio_id": ["369519776"], "hash": ["af9e61a9c1b12138fb060908d595742334b04515"], "title": "Custom Tonie Example Title", "series": "Custom Tonies", "episodes": "This is my custom tonie", "tracks": ["Title 1", "Title 2", "Title 3", "Title 4", "Title 5", "Title 6", "Title 7", "Title 8", "Title 9", "Title 10"], "release": "0", "language": "de-de", "category": "custom", "pic": ""}

(if this is your first entry, don’t forget the surrounding [ ] )

then after restart of the server:

new ui:
