That’s correct, I’ll add this to the instructions.
If you’d setup your box with the original/unmodified firmware and still point the dns of
to your local Raspberry Pi ip, than you would for sure get an “owl” exception when doing a freshness check or trying to play a Tonie which is not already on the SD card of your Toniebox. Because you cut the connection to the original Toniecloud with these DNS rules.
This is normal, was the same in my case. And btw, if the diff
shows nothing, it means the files are identical.
Nothing special in the log part you posted. It just means that access to the original Boxine cloud is disabled (which is default) and that you obviuosly tried to access the Teddycloud GUI via https (port 8443), which leads to this warning:
WARN |tls_server_fsm.c:0260:tlsPerformServerHandshake| TLS handshake failure!
I don’t thins it’s something with port 443. You can double-check by running this command on your Pi: sudo ss -ltnp | grep :443
. Should be in use only by docker (Teddycloud).
As @inonoob already asked, it’s difficutl to understand what’s your current problem. Your Toniebox doesn’t appear in Teddycloud and always says “Owl”?