I read the data three times and compared the content.
It was everytime completely the same, expect. that the first dear contained the file
and the others didn’t.
Here is the log:
d:\TonieBox\revvoxx\cc3200tool\cc3200tool>cc3200tool -p COM4 read_all_files ExtractedFromBox/
2024-12-23 11:51:21,619 -- Connecting to target...
2024-12-23 11:51:23,846 -- timed out while waiting for ack
2024-12-23 11:51:24,055 -- Connected, reading version...
2024-12-23 11:51:24,064 -- connected to target
2024-12-23 11:51:24,064 -- Version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 1, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2024-12-23 11:51:24,065 -- This is a CC3200 device
2024-12-23 11:51:24,065 -- Switching to NWP bootloader...
2024-12-23 11:51:24,080 -- Switching UART to APPS...
2024-12-23 11:51:24,096 -- Resetting communications ...
2024-12-23 11:51:25,327 -- Uploading rbtl3100s.dll...
2024-12-23 11:51:25,328 -- Reading rbtl3100s.dll from file C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\cc3200tool\dll\rbtl3100s.dll
2024-12-23 11:51:25,328 -- Getting storage list...
2024-12-23 11:51:26,063 -- APPS version: CC3x00VersionInfo((0, 4, 0, 2), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (16, 0, 0, 0))
2024-12-23 11:51:26,063 -- Getting storage info...
2024-12-23 11:51:26,079 -- storage #2 info bytes: 0x10, 0x0, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
2024-12-23 11:51:26,079 -- Getting storage list...
2024-12-23 11:51:26,096 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x0, size 0x2000...
2024-12-23 11:51:26,222 -- [0] detected a valid FAT revision: 88
2024-12-23 11:51:26,223 -- [1] detected a valid FAT revision: 87
2024-12-23 11:51:26,223 -- Getting storage list...
2024-12-23 11:51:26,239 -- Reading raw storage #2 start 0x1774, size 0x2774...
2024-12-23 11:51:26,403 -- selected FAT revision: 88 (active)
2024-12-23 11:51:26,404 -- Serial Flash block size: 4096 bytes
2024-12-23 11:51:26,404 -- Serial Flash capacity: 1024 blocks
2024-12-23 11:51:26,405 --
2024-12-23 11:51:26,405 -- file start size fail flags total filename
2024-12-23 11:51:26,406 -- index block [BLKs] safe [BLKs]
2024-12-23 11:51:26,406 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2024-12-23 11:51:26,407 -- N/A 0 5 N/A N/A 5 FATFS
2024-12-23 11:51:26,407 -- 0 71 8 yes 0x0 16 /sys/mcuimg.bin
2024-12-23 11:51:26,408 -- 4 105 1 no 0x4 1 /sys/mcubootinfo.bin
2024-12-23 11:51:26,409 -- 6 106 53 yes 0x0 106 /sys/mcuimg1.bin
2024-12-23 11:51:26,409 -- 7 212 53 no 0x4 53 /sys/mcuimg2.bin
2024-12-23 11:51:26,410 -- 8 265 53 no 0x4 53 /sys/mcuimg3.bin
2024-12-23 11:51:26,410 -- 9 408 5 yes 0x8 10 /tmp/phy.cal
2024-12-23 11:51:26,411 -- 10 418 1 yes 0x8 2 /tmp/table.arp
2024-12-23 11:51:26,411 -- 11 5 33 yes 0x8 66 /sys/servicepack.ucf
2024-12-23 11:51:26,412 -- 12 87 1 yes 0x8 2 /sys/mode.cfg
2024-12-23 11:51:26,412 -- 13 89 1 yes 0x8 2 /sys/ipcfg.ini
2024-12-23 11:51:26,413 -- 14 91 1 yes 0x8 2 /sys/ap.cfg
2024-12-23 11:51:26,413 -- 15 93 1 yes 0x8 2 /sys/devname.cfg
2024-12-23 11:51:26,414 -- 16 95 1 yes 0x8 2 /sys/mdns.cfg
2024-12-23 11:51:26,414 -- 17 97 2 yes 0x8 4 /sys/pref.net
2024-12-23 11:51:26,415 -- 18 101 1 yes 0x8 2 /sys/stacfg.ini
2024-12-23 11:51:26,415 -- 19 103 1 yes 0x8 2 /sys/pmcfg.ini
2024-12-23 11:51:26,416 -- 20 318 40 yes 0x8 80 /www/index.html
2024-12-23 11:51:26,419 -- 21 398 4 yes 0x8 8 /www/toniebox.js
2024-12-23 11:51:26,419 -- 22 406 1 yes 0x8 2 /cert/ca.der
2024-12-23 11:51:26,420 -- 23 931 1 yes 0x8 2 /sys/otastat.txt
2024-12-23 11:51:26,420 -- 24 421 255 yes 0x8 510 /fw/sfx.bin
2024-12-23 11:51:26,421 -- 26 933 1 yes 0x8 2
2024-12-23 11:51:26,421 -- 27 935 1 yes 0x8 2 /settings.cfg
2024-12-23 11:51:26,422 -- 28 420 1 no 0xc 1 /cert/client.der
2024-12-23 11:51:26,422 -- 29 937 1 no 0xc 1 /cert/private.der
2024-12-23 11:51:26,423 --
2024-12-23 11:51:26,423 -- Flash usage
2024-12-23 11:51:26,424 -- -------------------------
2024-12-23 11:51:26,425 -- used space: 938 blocks
2024-12-23 11:51:26,425 -- free space: 86 blocks
2024-12-23 11:51:26,426 -- memory hole: [938-1023]
2024-12-23 11:51:26,427 -- Created local directory ExtractedFromBox/
2024-12-23 11:51:26,498 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg.bin -> ExtractedFromBox/sys/mcuimg.bin
2024-12-23 11:51:26,898 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg.bin -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpp7t8ux91
2024-12-23 11:51:27,292 -- File ExtractedFromBox/sys/mcuimg.bin verified
2024-12-23 11:51:27,299 -- Reading file /sys/mcubootinfo.bin -> ExtractedFromBox/sys/mcubootinfo.bin
2024-12-23 11:51:27,379 -- Reading file /sys/mcubootinfo.bin -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp2x7okmo6
2024-12-23 11:51:27,451 -- File ExtractedFromBox/sys/mcubootinfo.bin verified
2024-12-23 11:51:27,459 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg1.bin -> ExtractedFromBox/sys/mcuimg1.bin
2024-12-23 11:51:30,031 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg1.bin -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpesq12dhr
2024-12-23 11:51:32,595 -- File ExtractedFromBox/sys/mcuimg1.bin verified
2024-12-23 11:51:32,602 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg2.bin -> ExtractedFromBox/sys/mcuimg2.bin
2024-12-23 11:51:35,203 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg2.bin -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpb7cbmc8t
2024-12-23 11:51:37,798 -- File ExtractedFromBox/sys/mcuimg2.bin verified
2024-12-23 11:51:37,803 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg3.bin -> ExtractedFromBox/sys/mcuimg3.bin
2024-12-23 11:51:40,403 -- Reading file /sys/mcuimg3.bin -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpknc3la7k
2024-12-23 11:51:43,002 -- File ExtractedFromBox/sys/mcuimg3.bin verified
2024-12-23 11:51:43,020 -- Reading file /tmp/phy.cal -> ExtractedFromBox/tmp/phy.cal
2024-12-23 11:51:43,146 -- Reading file /tmp/phy.cal -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpni2u8t5f
2024-12-23 11:51:43,264 -- File ExtractedFromBox/tmp/phy.cal verified
2024-12-23 11:51:43,272 -- Reading file /tmp/table.arp -> ExtractedFromBox/tmp/table.arp
2024-12-23 11:51:43,353 -- Reading file /tmp/table.arp -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp54__o5sn
2024-12-23 11:51:43,427 -- File ExtractedFromBox/tmp/table.arp verified
2024-12-23 11:51:43,580 -- File /sys/servicepack.ucf could not be read, /sys/servicepack.ucf does not exist on target
2024-12-23 11:51:43,596 -- Reading file /sys/mode.cfg -> ExtractedFromBox/sys/mode.cfg
2024-12-23 11:51:43,677 -- Reading file /sys/mode.cfg -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpptg1z6sd
2024-12-23 11:51:43,744 -- File ExtractedFromBox/sys/mode.cfg verified
2024-12-23 11:51:43,758 -- Reading file /sys/ipcfg.ini -> ExtractedFromBox/sys/ipcfg.ini
2024-12-23 11:51:43,840 -- Reading file /sys/ipcfg.ini -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp_8f4xazj
2024-12-23 11:51:43,908 -- File ExtractedFromBox/sys/ipcfg.ini verified
2024-12-23 11:51:43,922 -- Reading file /sys/ap.cfg -> ExtractedFromBox/sys/ap.cfg
2024-12-23 11:51:44,004 -- Reading file /sys/ap.cfg -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpulv77ujc
2024-12-23 11:51:44,072 -- File ExtractedFromBox/sys/ap.cfg verified
2024-12-23 11:51:44,086 -- Reading file /sys/devname.cfg -> ExtractedFromBox/sys/devname.cfg
2024-12-23 11:51:44,167 -- Reading file /sys/devname.cfg -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp7oz9140f
2024-12-23 11:51:44,234 -- File ExtractedFromBox/sys/devname.cfg verified
2024-12-23 11:51:44,248 -- Reading file /sys/mdns.cfg -> ExtractedFromBox/sys/mdns.cfg
2024-12-23 11:51:44,351 -- Reading file /sys/mdns.cfg -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpll6pdoq1
2024-12-23 11:51:44,440 -- File ExtractedFromBox/sys/mdns.cfg verified
2024-12-23 11:51:44,582 -- File /sys/pref.net could not be read, /sys/pref.net does not exist on target
2024-12-23 11:51:44,598 -- Reading file /sys/stacfg.ini -> ExtractedFromBox/sys/stacfg.ini
2024-12-23 11:51:44,679 -- Reading file /sys/stacfg.ini -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpx6nqdtth
2024-12-23 11:51:44,745 -- File ExtractedFromBox/sys/stacfg.ini verified
2024-12-23 11:51:44,760 -- Reading file /sys/pmcfg.ini -> ExtractedFromBox/sys/pmcfg.ini
2024-12-23 11:51:44,840 -- Reading file /sys/pmcfg.ini -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmphtbar8rj
2024-12-23 11:51:44,905 -- File ExtractedFromBox/sys/pmcfg.ini verified
2024-12-23 11:51:44,920 -- Reading file /www/index.html -> ExtractedFromBox/www/index.html
2024-12-23 11:51:46,466 -- Reading file /www/index.html -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpx8m79435
2024-12-23 11:51:48,189 -- File ExtractedFromBox/www/index.html verified
2024-12-23 11:51:48,204 -- Reading file /www/toniebox.js -> ExtractedFromBox/www/toniebox.js
2024-12-23 11:51:48,295 -- Reading file /www/toniebox.js -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5th8w9be
2024-12-23 11:51:48,386 -- File ExtractedFromBox/www/toniebox.js verified
2024-12-23 11:51:48,402 -- Reading file /cert/ca.der -> ExtractedFromBox/cert/ca.der
2024-12-23 11:51:48,498 -- Reading file /cert/ca.der -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpyjkybj5o
2024-12-23 11:51:48,580 -- File ExtractedFromBox/cert/ca.der verified
2024-12-23 11:51:48,595 -- Reading file /sys/otastat.txt -> ExtractedFromBox/sys/otastat.txt
2024-12-23 11:51:48,678 -- Reading file /sys/otastat.txt -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp716xxoqj
2024-12-23 11:51:48,749 -- File ExtractedFromBox/sys/otastat.txt verified
2024-12-23 11:51:48,763 -- Reading file /fw/sfx.bin -> ExtractedFromBox/fw/sfx.bin
2024-12-23 11:52:02,392 -- Reading file /fw/sfx.bin -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpr4a25am5
2024-12-23 11:52:16,015 -- File ExtractedFromBox/fw/sfx.bin verified
2024-12-23 11:52:16,015 -- Found file without filename, skipping index=26
2024-12-23 11:52:16,021 -- Reading file /settings.cfg -> ExtractedFromBox/settings.cfg
2024-12-23 11:52:16,101 -- Reading file /settings.cfg -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmphur2prp5
2024-12-23 11:52:16,167 -- File ExtractedFromBox/settings.cfg verified
2024-12-23 11:52:16,181 -- Reading file /cert/client.der -> ExtractedFromBox/cert/client.der
2024-12-23 11:52:16,273 -- Reading file /cert/client.der -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp9kdk4d20
2024-12-23 11:52:16,350 -- File ExtractedFromBox/cert/client.der verified
2024-12-23 11:52:16,365 -- Reading file /cert/private.der -> ExtractedFromBox/cert/private.der
2024-12-23 11:52:16,459 -- Reading file /cert/private.der -> C:\Users\Norbert\AppData\Local\Temp\tmphto0ealm
2024-12-23 11:52:16,546 -- File ExtractedFromBox/cert/private.der verified
2024-12-23 11:52:16,546 -- One or more files could not be verified or read at all
So it seems that reading data was OK.
But to be sure to do not brick the Toniebox when writing I used the CP2103 evaluation board as USB to UART converter. This alowed me to reduce wire length to around 30cm. And the board has a dedicated DTR pin.
With this board i executed
cc3200tool -p COM5 --reset dtr read_all_files targetdir/ read_flash backup.bin
and compared the read data again.
That data is the same again.
So I’m quite sure now that I can read and write without problems.