How to short the J100 jumper?

Hey guys,

longtime forum/project observer and esp32 toniebox owner here.

I’m stuck in the process of flashing my toniebox.

My completed steps so far:

  • read through the relevant tutorials (Ultimate Noob Guide &
    Teddycloud ESP32 newbie documentation) and some other threads in the forum
  • Teddycloud is up and running via docker
  • disassembled my toniebox
  • attached the suggested clamp on the debug port, wired it on the USB UART adapter and connected the latter to a computer via usb

Now I’m stucked at the step of „shorting the J100 jumper". I know how to set jumpers on „normal“ atx/mtx/itx“ mainboards with pins, like this one:
Bildschirmfoto 2024-08-01 um 21.39.12

But I have no clue how to deal with these pin holes.

Due lacking skills and non existing equipment, I don’t want to solder. What other options do I have to short the J100 Jumper?

Thank you and Best Regards

Just connect the two holes with a wire.

Actually I just used a staple (Heft/Tackerklammer) which I bend a little bit to fit. Worked fine.

I soldered a 2-pin header to my boxes:

Maybe is “a bit to muche”, but is a very clean solution. :slight_smile:

working. thank you guys :slight_smile: